Michael welcomes new Traffic Orders in Yoxall and Kings Bromley, but more will need to be done
“I welcome the new Traffic Orders placed by Staffordshire County Council to reduce truck movements through Yoxall and Kings Bromley” Michael Fabricant says. “These appear to have reduced traffic flows substantially at night, but heavy movements continue throughout the day. The Yoxall Traffic Action Group estimate that around 200 heavy trucks continue to drive through Yoxall on the dangerous dog-leg while children walk to and from a primary school on narrow pavements.
“I will continue to work with the Action Group and Parish Councils to see how this can be reduced.”
Nick Whitwell of the Yoxall Traffic Action Group says: “On the face of it, the traffic orders are delivering pretty much what the County’s traffic survey said, namely that this would remove the bulk of the Lorries from the evening and night time but leaving high volumes in the early morning and through the day.
“It is clear from the research we have done that 90% of these vehicles are turning left at the bottom of the A515 and so just taking a short cut like the A513. This road is of absolutely no strategic value and this has been confirmed by our recent meeting with Lomas transport and Tarmac who have both agreed not to use the road in future months.
“They say it is cheaper for them to use the A38/A50 as the road through Yoxall is dangerous.
“However a weight limit and a change of status of the road would be simpler to police.”
Michael Fabricant adds “I have considerable sympathy with the arguments of Mr Whitwell. A weight limit for through traffic – not for deliveries within the area – would still seem to be the best solution for the appalling traffic conditions through Yoxall and Kings Bromley.”