“Following legal intervention, the Department for Transport has extended the closing date for responses on the environmental impact of HS2 on our area to 27th February. The closing date was originally 24th January. I argued at the time that this did not give enough time for people to respond” says Michael Fabricant.
“It is important that submissions are made direct to the Department for Transport’s agents in London and NOT to me as that may cause delays and prevent the submission being made in time. It is vital that your voice be heard!” Michael adds.
Responses should be sent to either the freepost address: Freepost RTEC-AJUT-GGHH, HS2 Phase One Bill Environmental Statement, PO Box 70178, London WC1A 9HS or via email to HS2PhaseOneBillES@dialoguebydesign.com. It is important that you provide your full name and address.
Further details can be found here: www.michael.fabricant.mp.co.uk/news-001101.ihtml