John Farmer, Chairman of Burntwood St Matthews Cricket Club says “We had the great pleasure of welcoming our MP Mr Michael Fabricant to our grounds on Friday 19th July.
“Michael was eager to visit the club to view the recent improvement to the ground and facilities following a grant from Sport England for £7,550.”
Burntwood St Matthews Cricket Club. founded way back in 1897 and steeped in local history within the area, had been experiencing difficult times since the closure of the hospital and the renovation of the area surrounding it. However through hard work from all the members, and the chairmanship of John Farmer, the club now has over 80 members and a thriving youth section including U/9, U/11, U/13 and U/15 section as well as a Ladies team and senior sides playing on Saturday and Sunday.
Michael Fabricant says: “It was a real pleasure to visit the Club which is always open and welcoming to new members. They are active in securing new sports grants for its grounds and facilities and I am very keen to support them particularly in any application for a grant to improve their Club House and changing facilities. I wish them all the very best for the future. They offer a very real community service."
Photograph shows (left to right): John Farmer (Chairman of Burntwood St Matthews CC), Heath Tisdale (Secretary), Erica Knight (Committee member – Publicity), Marie Roberts (Club Welfare Officer) and Michael Fabricant.