Michael Fabricant has expressed alarm over the Government’s decision to
allow migrant workers from eastern Europe into the UK without any
restriction and is concerned about its likely effect on Birmingham and other
major midlands conurbations. "If migrant workers are unable to find work or
subsequently lose their jobs, without funds or benefits to support them
they will be reduced to crime or begging to support themselves. Have we
forgotten so quickly the plight of the Chinese migrant workers in
Morecambe?" asks Michael. "Major cities like Birmingham will attract
migrants particularly as all other European countries, apart from Ireland,
have put a block on their entering their borders. The Government’s plan to
stop benefits just won’t work. Will local authorities simply allow migrant
workers to starve on the streets and be homeless? Or will our already
over-stretched police forces across the midlands have to pick up the pieces?
"I now urge local authorities to start making contingency plans for when the
10 new European Union member states join in less than 3 months time.
Perhaps all the migrants will find and keep work in the UK. But the reality
is that many will not. There needs to be adequate plans in place to deal
with this problem. The Government just have not thought this one through".